Michael Murray, N.D.

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
Leading Authority on Natural Medicine, Author of Over 25 Books

Dr. Michael T. Murray has dedicated his life to educating the general public, patients and physicians on the tremendous power of natural healing. Many people are simply not aware that a natural approach can lead them to healing and good health. 
Dr. Michael T. Murray has published almost 30 health books and his research on nutrition has led to the development of vitamins and supplements at Natural Factors. Dr. Murray is a graduate, faculty member and serves on the Board of Trustees at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Murray has been compiling a database of over 50,000 scientific studies in the medical literature which provide the strong evidence that diet, minerals, vitamins, herbs, glandular extracts and other natural measures are effective at maintaing good health and the treatment of disease.
Dr. Murray's books have sold over 2 million copies and he has also written thousands of articles and appeared on a variety of radio and television programs, including 20/20 and Dateline.
To learn more visit his website www.doctormurray.com.
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