Hi and welcome to this week’s look at headlines in natural health on iHealthTube dot com.
Getting more of a specific vitamin is proving to be beneficial in preventing one genetic cause of birth defects and miscarriages.
Researchers in Australia found that vitamin B3… also known as niacin can prevent a cause of miscarriage and birth defect where the babies have heart and kidney defects. Vitamin B3 helps make a protein called NAD… it’s found in all living cells and helps them make energy… communicate with other cells and repair genes.
Vitamin B3 can be found in meat and green vegetables… but experts do warn however that high-dose supplementation has not proved effective or safe for pregnant women.
So many Americans have cholesterol issues… but now research is showing there is a natural solution you might want to look into…
Research out of Penn State is finding that simply eating almonds on a regular basis can help boost levels of HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol while also improving the way it removes cholesterol from the body. The study compared two groups of people who had identical diets… but one had a handful of almonds a day… the other… a banana muffin. Those who were on the almond diet had their HDL function improved by more than 6 percent.
Researchers also pointed out that almonds will not eliminate risk of heart disease… but they may be a smart choice for a snack!
Finally… how much does a few minutes outside benefit your health? You might be surprised! In the US… we spend more than 90 percent of each week indoors on average…
But research is showing what we probably know already… that a few minutes outside can do a body good! One researcher out of Oakland, California said that studies show that just 15 minutes in natural can improve your stress level and improve your heart rate and blood pressure. Longer time outside can help improve creativity and cognitive ability… and over a lifetime… being in nature can lead to less heart disease and even improve longevity.
That’s a look at headlines in natural health this week… make sure to stay connected by going to ihealthtube.com and signing up for our free email newsletter.
Help Support us... as little as $2 http://www.patreon.com/ihealthtube Stay connected at http://www.ihealthtube.com/content/newsletter In this week's news update, learn about research that's showing a natural helper for your cholesterol numbers. Also discover which vitamin is helping prevent certain brith defects and miscarriages, and what simple thing you can do to boost your overall health!
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