Lyle: Dr. Klatz, with everything that's going on today, economically and it's impact on medicine and healthcare. How do you see healthcare of the future ten years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now? What the imperatives will be for the individual and won't they normally, won't all of us normally be in a situation where we're having to pay for almost all of our healthcare out of our own pockets?
Dr. Ronald Klatz: That's really hard to say Lyle. Because everything's in flux right now. I mean the world... this world is not like anything... anyone has ever, certainly nothing that I envisioned ten years ago. I mean the socioeconomic politics is completely in flux at this time. So it's very hard to prognosticate what the future is going to be. I can tell you what I think an ideal future might be. But I don't really know where we're going right now because things are so strange with regard to the federal budget deficit, the trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that are being printed out of thin air. No basis to the dollar, the actual value of the dollar. The dollar falling. With China becoming a major super power almost over night and poised to overtake the United States in terms of productivity, in terms of geopolitical dominance. It's very hard to say how that's all going ot filter out in 20 years. So maybe it's better if I say what I think would be the ideal situation.
I think that healthcare needs to be brought up to speed as far as a, as far as being in synch with the times scientifically. We are still 11 to 30 years behind what's going on the laboratory. When you go into your doctor's office and he treats you for hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, kidney failure, arthritis, sinus problems, presbyopia, you name it, halitosis. Chances are very good that he's not practicing state of the art medicine, simply because of the way our healthcare situation is set up. Chances are very good he's not practicing individualized healthcare for you. He'd doing, you know, things that are kind of cookie cutter, that are in the book. Ok? By the book medicine. Well, by the book medicine means the medicine is prescribed in the book. Well, the book was printed two years ago. And the book was written five years before that so it's seven years old right there! And it was seven years old, which means seven years ago someone wrote down what was in the book. And he didn't have information of what was going on in the laboratory that minute. At best he had information of what was going on in the laboratory or laboratory medicine or, you know, cutting edge medicine, from a couple years earlier. So the information going into the book now is ten years old. Or longer. Or 20 years old. Or longer.
So what I'm saying is very few of us are getting cutting edge up to the minute medicine. In the future, thanks to technology and thanks to computer sciences and thanks to an actual need to be very effective with healthcare, I think that we are going to have very individualized healthcare that is specific to you, to your blood type, to your genomics, your individualized genomics, to your metabolism, to your socioeconomic condition. I mean to all the various parameters of you. So even though five people may walk into a doctors office for hypertension, every one of them is going to walk out with a different solution to their hypertension. Because it's going to be individualized to you for your condition. You may have hypertension because the renal arteries going to your kidneys are somehow constricted. He may have hypertension because he eats too much salt and his kidneys are no longer able to excrete salt as well as they did when he was young. This person over here may have hypertension because he's just very high strung and he has an overactive autonomic nervous system. See what I'm saying? So the treatments can be individualized specifically to the person's genetics, as well as to this person's individualized physiology. Because you may respond well to a diuretic, he may respond well to a beta blocker, this person may respond well to a tranquilizer. Or none of the above. We may be able to treat all with nutrition. Or we may be able to give a simple injection of a nanobot or a microscopic, artificial molecule that finds its way, specifically to the damaged cells and repair the damaged cells. Or a laboratory created virus that does pretty much the same thing. Or we may be able to treat it nutritionally.
So the future of medicine will be very customized, like a well made custom suit. And will be designed specifically for your needs, your desires and will be designed, not simply to take you from a position of disease to a position of non-disease, but from a position of disease to a position of optimum health. Maximum performance.
Lyle: Sounds to me like that's an MD, ND. I mean it sounds to me that the person's going to have to be somebody that understands all of that and can practice all of it where its necessary.
Dr. Klatz: Well I think what's going to happen is that's the way medical education is evolving. In the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, we have doctors who practiced allopathic medicine, or MD medicine for 30 years, 35 years. These guys are board certified in not one medical specialty, often times two medical specialties. So they're specialist specialist. When they come to the A4M, ok? And when they come here they learn all this new stuff about nutrition, about genetic engineering, about nano technology, about stem cells, about electromedicine. They're learning all this quote, unquote... I don't want to say alternative medicine. Complimentary is a good term. It's kind of like, what's not quite in the box. The traditional healthcare system has a little box. And that's AMA, FDA, you know, approved healthcare. HMO healthcare. It's in that box. And if it's new, it's not quite in that box yet. Or if it's traditional in terms of being done for hundreds or thousands of years like Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture, it's quote, unquote alternative. It's way far outside of the box. Well, A4M, we're only interested in what works. So we take everything. So we're kind of where you go to before you get into the box. In the future, I think the box will expand dramatically to include all these other ignored forms of health sciences that have been around many cases for 50 years, 100 years, 1000 years, but just are not quite in the box just as of yet.
Dr. Ronald Klatz discusses the future of medicine and healthcare and what some of the hurdles might be. He also explains why your doctor likely isn't giving you the latest and most up to date healthcare options.
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